Earth Science Regents Review / Earth Science Review
IMPORTANT: Verify which version of the test you are taking with your teacher.
Old Version
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Taking the earth science regents 2025? If you answered yes, then this site has got you covered. We provide earth science regents review in a fun and exciting format. Regents earth science can be tough if you do not prepare so throughout this entire site you will find links to various earth science regents prep items aimed at helping you prepare for your test. We have earth science regents answers, earth science regents review sheets, practice earth science tests / quizzes, earth science regents review games and more. So surf around this site and check out the regents earth science review links. Happy reviewing! Good luck with your regents prep earth science!
Earth Science Review Games
Fun science games dealing with all topics of earth science keyed to the NYS Earth Science Regents. Meteorology, geology, astronomy to name just a few. These games can be played in school and on your phone! Best way to learn!
Practice Regents Review Questions
Practice review questions grouped by topic to help you prepare for your earth science regents. Answers are included to help make the studying easier.
Regent Review Videos
Several videos reviewing key concepts for the regents exam. Review of the Part D, ESRT's, general topic review plus a multiple choice review explanation.
Earth Science Regents Multiple Choice Question Practice
Get some practice with the multiple choice section of the regents by taking some automatically graded tests that contain actual regent questions. Tests are set up by regent exam or by topic to help you prepare for the regents.
Regents Test Taking Tips and Strategies
Helpful tips to consider while you are preparing for your earth science regents 2025 exam. These ideas will allow you to be more relaxed and ready for the test.
Great Regents Review Sheets
Everything you need to know in order to pass the regents. Provides a great review of the entire year in just a few minutes! These sheets are a great way to quickly catch up from the year.
Other Earth Science Regents Review Tools
Here are some additional resources that may help you prepare for your earth science regents. Some cool stuff to check out to get you ready for that test.
Review Books ($)
At the link above is a listing of some books that can help you prepare for the regents. These are actual books and require you to purchase if you desire.
Earth Science Lab Practical Review
The lab practical is 15% of your grade, get an overview of the performance test and what to expect, along with some great review materials to help you review for the earth science lab practical.
ESRT Review Tools
Earth Science Reference Tables (ESRT) is by far one of the most important tools since 37% of the questions on the NYS Earth Science Regents require use of information from the ESRT which means you need to know where to look.
NYS Earth Science Regents Overview
In order to do well on the regents exam students must be proficient with many skills. The items listed are a few of the key factors the earth science regents expects students to understand.
Tips for Summer School Earth Science Students
For a student who has failed regents earth science, summer school is an essential part of growing up and can help the student get ready to pass the earth science regents in August.
What is Earth Science?
Earth Science is an extremely important course to take and understand because it allows us to see how the place we live functions and it also allows us to see how our events on this planet can affect it.
Study Tips for Earth Science
These strategies will help you improve your earth science studying skills, use the best tools for studying and keep your motivation throughout the year.
Earth Science Flash Cards
You have the entire year of Earth Science on flash cards without wasting paper or cutting and folding anything! Keep practicing until you get all of the terms on the cards.