Earth and Space Sciences Reference Tables ESSRT 2024
The Earth and Space Sciences Reference Tables ESSRT 2024 Edition is a comprehensive resource developed by the NYSED to support NGSS aligned Earth and Space Science regents education. It provides a wealth of reference material essential for students in understanding and applying concepts in geology, meteorology, astronomy, and other related fields.
Key Components of the ESSRT
- Solar System Objects Data Table
- Generalized Nucleosynthesis in a Massive Star
- Portion of Electromagnetic Spectrum Related to Earth and Space Sciences
- Emission Spectra of Some Elements from Stars
- H-R Diagram
- Life Cycles of Stars Model
- Geologic History of New York State
- Generalized Surface Bedrock Geology of New York State
- Energy and Mineral Resources of New York State
- Geographic Province and Landscape Regions of New York State
- Model of Earth’s Interior Structure
- Cross Section Model of Earth’s Surface and Interior
- Global Tectonic Activity of the Last One Million Years
- Model of Bowen’s Reaction Series
- Mineral Composition of Igneous Rocks
- Rock Cycle Infographic
- Key to Weather Map Symbols
- Surface Ocean Currents Model
- Geologically Important Radioactive Elements Used for Radiometric Dating
- Mineral Identification Flowchart
- Model of Generalized Planetary Wind Belts in the Troposphere
- Cross Section Model of Earth’s Lower Atmosphere
The table below provides guidance on specific ESSRT components that help with three-dimensional learning. Students can use this guidance to help combine information and use scientific practices to explain their understanding of science using the ESSRT.
Pg # |
Notes and Guidance |
2 |
Axial tilts indicate the degree location of the celestial object’s north pole. |
4 |
There are multiple axes (Luminosity, Solar Radius), Star Lifetimes (some are indicated and specific to a star, and others are general to that area), Spectral Class – based on temperature, color, spectral characteristics O-M (Hot - Cool) |
6,7 |
There are five mass extinctions.
The mass extinction in the late Devonian occurs before the end of the Devonian period
Bold text indicates evidence for events that have taken place in New York State. The bold black arrow signifies a continuation of the time from the Precambrian Eon to the
Phanerozoic Eon.
AA, BB Holocene index fossils occurred at the same time.
Time Distribution of Fossils includes a difference in shading signifying the level of diversity, dark gray – light gray (greater diversity – lower diversity). Please note, that this shading does not indicate abundance, rather the degree of diversity
Important Geologic Events: Gray box extends below the Cambrian representing 539 mya |
8,9 |
Some gas fields are small and appear as small circular/irregular shapes. |
10 |
Important to note that the geographic province and landscape regions are denoted by different typefaces (fonts). |
12 |
White area on the map along the edges of coastlines indicate continental shelves. White indicates continental bedrock, gray indicates oceanic bedrock.
Map includes spreading rates for tectonic plates.
Tectonic plates include both continental crust and oceanic crust.
Hawaiian Islands are not to scale.
13 |
Igneous rock names are indicated by bullets (Model of Bowen’s Reaction Series) |
14 |
This infographic allows the integration of Earth systems processes and not only includes rock types and processes, but also the environment of formation. This does not illustrate a stratigraphic sequence of geologic history. |
16,17 |
The mineral ID flowchart begins on page 16 or page 17 by first identifying a mineral’s luster. Other mineral properties are then used for mineral identification.
Why the ESSRT is a Critical Tool
- Enhancing conceptual understanding and application of Earth and Space Science topics.
- Supporting preparation for the Regents Examination by offering standardized reference materials.
- Facilitating classroom instruction with visual aids and concise data tables.
Tips for Maximizing the Use of ESSRT
- Familiarize Yourself: Spend time exploring the tables to understand their structure and contents.
- Practice Navigation: During studies or exams, knowing where to find specific information quickly is crucial.
- Apply in Real-World Scenarios: Use the tables for practical problem-solving, such as analyzing rock samples or predicting weather patterns.
- Combine with Other Resources: Pair ESSRT with textbooks, simulations, and lab experiments for deeper insights.
TEACHERS: please note the ESSRT document is being updated as issues are discovered.