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Online Diagnostic Earth Science Tests

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Students can take 15 different online diagnostic tests to see which earth science topic(s) they are weak in. Tests are composed of old regents' questions and range from 10-30 questions. Students receive a certificate of completion upon scoring an 80% or higher. If a student is unable to pass the exam they know they need to study more on that particular topic.

Online Diagnostic Earth Science Tests Topics

* Weathering, Erosion and Deposition

* Earthquakes, Interior and Plate Tectonics

* Climate; Geologic History

* Radioactive Decay

* Fossils and Evolution

* Air Masses and Wind

* Evaporation, Relative Humidity and Dew Point

* Observation, Inference, Classification and Density

* Porosity and Permeability

* Landscape Development

* Coordinate System and Shape of the Earth

* Duration and Intensity of Solar Insolation

* Rocks and Minerals

* Orbits, Motions and Seasons

* Energy

* Stars and the Universe