Old Earth Science Practice Regents Questions

Old regent questions are some of the best practice during your preparation for the earth science regents exam. The links below provide access to old regents exams and regents questions sorted by topic. These provide incredible review and should be utilized often. The more practice tests you take, the more likely you are to do well on the exam. Additionally, as you take these tests you will start to see that some questions present themselves over and over again!

Earth Science Regent Practice
These will provide you with a good idea of what to expect on the actual exam using actual regent questions in a game format.

Practice Using Old Regents Exams with Answers
This site contains all of the old regents exams and answer keys.

Old Regent Exams in .pdf and .html Format
This section of the site always users to take old regents in 2 formats (.pdf and .html). The .html loads much quicker for faster access to the regents.

Topic Specific Regent Exams with Answer Key
Contains topic specific practice questions with answers. Great review tool.

Interactive Regent Exams
Take these interactive practice tests and check your answers as you go. Allows you to take the test, then move your mouse over the number and get the answer to the test instantly.

In Depth Earth Science Topic Review Questions
Upon completion, web page will automatically grade and give you feedback on your performance.

On-Line Practice Regents Exams
You will find links to on-line quizzes of recent NY State Earth Science Regents Exams. All of the questions come from the multiple-choice sections of the exams (Parts A & B1).