Earth Science Practical Review | Lab Practical Review | Part D Review

Overview: The New York State Regents Examination in Physical Setting / Earth Science consists of two components: a laboratory performance test (lab practical) and a written test. The Earth Science Performance Test (Part D) includes hands-on laboratory activities that students perform at three stations. The Part D (aka: earth science lab practical / earth science performance test) is composed of the following three stations: 1) Mineral and Rock Identification 2) Locating an Epicenter 3) Constructing and Analyzing an Asteroid’s Elliptical Orbit. Students are allotted nine minutes at each station to complete the tasks and additional time to move between stations.

Point Value: The test will contribute fifteen percent to the student’s final examination score for the Regents Exam in Earth Science. Students must take the performance test each time they take the written examination (basically if you fail the test the first time, you need to take another practical before you can take the test again).

Time line: The performance test / lab practical is usually administered during the last two weeks of the Earth Science course and no later than the day before the earth science regents.

Materials: list below is what you should see at each station

*Station 1. Mineral and Rock Identification Materials: One mineral sample (properties to be tested are clear and unmistakable), rock samples (igneous rock, sedimentary rock, and/or metamorphic rock) which are listed on the rock identification charts from the Earth Science Reference Tables (ESRT), and mineral identification kit containing a glass scratch plate, a streak plate, and a hand lens.

*Station 2. Locating an Epicenter Materials: Safe drawing compass

*Station 3. Constructing and Analyzing an Asteroid’s Elliptical Orbit Materials: Cotton string, cardboard/ foam board/other material, Two push pins, a small container/bag to hold push pins, metric ruler, four-function calculator.

Earth Science Lab Practical Review: the best way to review / prepare for the earth science lab practical is to be familiar with parallel tasks. These tasks are similar, but not identical to what you will see on the upcoming exam. Below are a list of several resources that will help you prepare for the lab practical. Please understand that each earth science lab practical station will have different materials, in other words the rock samples your neighbor has will be different then what you have, so do not freak out after the exam if you talk to your friends and they had different results then you. Earth Science lab practical review should be completed several days before the exam date so you are ready for the test. It is best to ask your teacher when the practical will be so you have sufficient time to prepare. Remember during your practical review that you did labs very similar to them throughout the year so be confident and remember you got this. Good luck!

Regents Earth Science Lab Practical / Part-D Review of the Exam: great video that refreshes students memories about some key topics that may show up on the part D.

Earth Science Lab Practical Review

Lab Practical Review Key Facts

Tips for the Part D

Please note this is NOT official state guidance and procedures for the earth science lab practical, but rather an informative summary for student to use to prepare for the exam.